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NCS Gateway

Discovering Paths to Post-Secondary Possibilities

NCS Gateway Orientation Registration

NCS Gateway provides curated programming for traditionally underrepresented populations, to ensure success for post-secondary achievement in their best fit pathway.

College & Career Exploration

Post-secondary options are endless and choosing one can be overwhelming. Gateway students will engage with exploration platforms, and receive assistance navigating the exploration process.

Essential Competencies

Employees need to demonstrate essential skills more than ever in the rapidly changing workforce. Participants will benefit from curated programming to learn and master essential competencies.

Exposure Tours

The value behind In-person exposure cannot be overstated. Tours provides students the opportunity to picture themselves on a college campus or in a certain career field. All participants will have the opportunity to attend two exposure tours each school year in the program. Tours include colleges and industries.

Application & Admission Assistance

Applications are essential whether you are entering the workforce or submitting one to college. Participants will receive resources, information and 1:1 assistance with submitting applications.

Financial Planning

Determining a financial plan for your future can support achieving your goals. Participants will benefit from targeted program to ensure students understand financial literacy, resources and processes to assist with funding post-secondary paths.

1:1 Mentorship with CCR Specialist

All program participants will receive a Gateway Mentor. Mentors will meet with students bi-monthly for check-ins and are always available for meetings with students or parents.

Resume Building & Interview Skills

Students are expected to begin submitting resumes and interviewing during their senior year or shortly after, whether thats for a part-time job, a full-time role or college admission application.  Program participants will benefit from resume building workshops, mock interviews and more.  

Career Planning

Determining a career path can seem overwhelming. NCS Gateway will assist students with discovering what their aptitudes are, applying them to career interest and establishing a plan to achieve their career goals

What is NCS Gateway?

NCS Gateway is a two year, cohort College and Career Readiness development program hosted by NCS College and Career Specialist. The program is designed to benefit traditionally underrepresented populations by providing an added layer of support for post-secondary planning. 


The program is for students entering their junior year.  Students can submit applications to be considered for the program or recommended by a teacher or counselor.  Priority will be given to students meeting one of the following criteria:

  • First generation 

  • GPA 2.0-2.9

  • Eligible for free & reduced lunch


Space is limited. NCS Gateway cohorts have a 60 student capacity. 

NCS Gateway Application

11th Grade- 2024-2025 Cohort Application Open

Priority will be given to students meeting one fo the following criteria:

  • First generation 

  • GPA 2.0-2.9

  • Eligible for free & reduced lunch

Program Contacts


Jordan Troutman
Career Planning

Kayla Walker
College Planning

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